Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Harvest Continues

We're getting on the downhill side of harvest, but as the lines get longer at the elevator, less and less gets done.  Between the shit show that is my town job and the hours of operation while the elevator is open, I haven't had much time to sample the wonders of the World Wide Web.  I'll peek around and see if I see anything notable.

All I can say right now is, yes, the start of Obamacare has been a mess, but let's not spend the next five months wondering day after day if the subsidized insurance will go into a death spiral or not.  Assuming they work out enough bugs to get people enrolled, let's give this thing a few years to see how it turns out.  I remember people talking about how big of a disaster the Romney/Massachusetts program was turning out to be, but everybody seems able to live with it now.

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