Friday, September 28, 2012

Who Are We Talking About

Mark Lilla:
Once upon a time there was a radical president who tried to remake American society through government action. In his first term he created a vast network of federal grants to state and local governments for social programs that cost billions. He set up an imposing agency to regulate air and water emissions, and another to regulate workers’ health and safety. Had Congress not stood in his way he would have gone much further. He tried to establish a guaranteed minimum income for all working families and, to top it off, proposed a national health plan that would have provided government insurance for low-income families, required employers to cover all their workers and set standards for private insurance. Thankfully for the country, his second term was cut short and his collectivist dreams were never realized.
His name was Richard Nixon.
That is the opening sequence of Lilla's review of yet another foaming at the mouth, America is being destroyed by that Communist, Socialist, Nazi, Kenyan Anti-Colonialist Muslim Obama books the right loves to rush out and spend $20 bucks on.  The whole thing is worth a read, and maybe, just maybe, some of those folks will realize if/when Obama gets re-elected that they need to get a grip on reality.  Obama is more truly conservative than that idiot George W. Bush, and surely less radical than that other idiot Michele Bachmann.

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