Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bad News For The American West

Yahoo, via nc links:
The study published in the journal Science and conducted by Australian and US scientists looked at ocean data from 1950 to 2000 and found that salinity levels had changed in oceans around the world over that time.
Co-author Susan Wijffels said the figures were revealing because ocean salinity was indicative of changes in the water cycle of rainfall and evaporation.
"What the results are saying is we have an ocean fingerprint, a very clear fingerprint, that the earth's water cycle has already spun up," she told AFP.
"What we see in the observations of how the salinity field has changed already over the last 50 years, (is) our hydrological cycle has already intensified significantly."
Wijffels said the pattern was amplifying over time and it could be inferred that the same dynamics were also happening over land.
"What it really means is that the atmosphere can actually shuttle more water from the areas that are drying out to the areas that have lots of rain faster," she said.
"And essentially it means that the wet areas are going to get wetter and the dry areas are going to get drier."
I guess maybe we better start investing more in field tile.   Society might also consider whether it is prudent to continue migration to the Sun Belt.

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