Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Multiligual Dolphins

The Daily Mail:
Dolphins are so intelligent they can learn to speak a second language- in their sleep.
Captive dolphins in in Port-Saint-Père, France have been recorded sleep talking, scientists have found.
But bizarrely, as they rest at night, the aquatic mammals are not making dolphin sounds but whale-like noises.
Péos, Mininos, Cécil, Teha, and Amtan, who were born in captivity, have only ever heard whale sounds as recordings, Science magazine reported.
If the sounds are confirmed to be ‘whale’, it would be the first known instance of dolphins remembering a particular noise and repeating it 'later', researchers say.
The dolphins have only ever heard a whale sing on the soundtrack to their daily shows at the French aquatic park Planète Sauvage.
I've been told that I talk a lot in my sleep, but I think I only speak dumbass in my dreams.


  1. If that is the case, I have never seen someone dream so much...

  2. That is true. And you thought I was awake on the other side of the partition.
